Student Resources

Community Resources
Southwest University offers a secure and private environment where students can seek support and access various resources to effectively address personal challenges.
SU may not have resources for every situation, but there is plenty of community support and resources. These resources provided by local organizations encompass counseling services, helplines, support groups, community organizations, financial assistance, and more, ensuring that students have the necessary assistance and support for their well-being and personal growth.
Clothing Services
Abundant Living Faith Church
Holds regular giveaways, with the type of clothes varying for the seasons, available after each Sunday service at both locations.
1000 Valley Crest, El Paso, TX 79907
7100 N. Desert Blvd., El Paso, TX 79911
Sundays 9:00am, 10:45am & 12:30pm
(915) 532-8543
Catholic Charities
The largest private network of social service organizations in the US works to support families, reduce poverty and build communities.
880 Anthony Dr, Anthony, NM 88021
(575) 882-6177
The Child Crisis Center of El Paso
4747 Hondo Pass Bradley Center El Paso, TX 79924 Discovery Shop- Thrift store
Mon-Fri/Lun-Vie, 9:00am-5:00pm; Saturday/Sabado, 10:00am-4:00pm
Kelly Pelletier,
(915) 757-0506
Clothes Closet
4747 Hondo Pass Bradley Center El Paso, TX 79924 Discovery Shop- Thrift store
1st and 3rd Monday/Lunes, 1:00-2:00; Wednesday/Miércoles, 5:00-7:00; 1st Thursday/Jueves,
10:00am-12:00pm Mary Wakefield;
(915) 329-0357
Community Clothes Closet at First Baptist Church
Clothing is available from $.10-$5
805 Montana, El Paso, TX 79902
1st and 3rd Monday/Lunes 1:00-2:30; 1st Thursday/Jueves 10:00am-12:00pm (915) 533-1465
Salvation Army – El Paso center
Examples include free food, clothing vouchers for toiletries and diapers to persons in need once a month. Thrift store is available at 3920 Morehead.
4300 E Paisano Dr, El Paso, TX 79905
Monday- Friday/Lunes-Viernes, 8:00am-5:00pm
(915) 544-9811
St Vincent De Paul
Thrift store
2104 N Piedras, El Paso, TX 79930 Monday- Saturday: 9am-5pm
(915) 564-4357
Counseling Services
BLS Counseling Services, Inc.
Mental health services, grief counseling intervention, substance abuse, domestic violence, and parenting.
6000 Welch Ste. 15 El Paso, Texas 79905
Catholic Counseling Services, Inc.
Offers marital, individual, and family therapy. Bilingual therapies also available. Private insurance accepted and if no insurance then family income base. Also accept Medicaid and Medicare.
499 Saint Mathews El Paso, Texas 79907
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00am-12:00pm
& 1:00pm -6:00pm Tuesday 9:00am -12:00pm & 1:00pm – 8:00pm
Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Center Against Sexual and Family
Violence Crisis Helpline
Emergency shelter, vocational, and educational assistance for women who are victims of abuse.
Compassionate Friends
Support group for parents who have lost a child.
El Paso Child Guidance Center
Provides a range of mental health services including psychiatric evaluations, individual, and family therapy.
2701 E. Yandell Dr. El Paso, Texas 79903
Monday – Wednesday 8:00am – 7:00pm,
8:00am – 6:00pm Thursday
& Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Ysleta Clinic
9001 Cashew Ste. 300 El Paso, Texas 79907
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 7:00pm
& Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Family Service of El Paso
Program provides case management, counseling, and respite childcare to prevent or release stress which could lead to the breakdown of the family.
6040 Surety Dr. El Paso, Texas 79905
Monday – Thursday 8:00am -8:00pm
(Latest appointment @7:30pm)
Friday 8:00am – 7:00pm (Latest appointment @ 6:30pm)
Holy Spirit of Hope
Provides spiritual counseling for families and individuals regarding violence, anger management, marriage and Catholic sacraments to all without exclusion.
7728 Alameda Ave. El Paso, TX. 79915
Monday – Friday 10:00am – 5:30pm
& Saturday 9:00am – 11:30am
Living Hope for Marriages
Provides counseling for individuals and couples (including children) for mood disorders, relational problems, traumas, abuse, addictions, life phases, etc.
1801 Wyoming Ste. 102 El Paso, Texas 79902
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
6070 Gateway East Ste. 217 El Paso, TX. 79905
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Provide free information, services, and referrals to all victim/survivors for alcohol-related crashes including bereaved injured and property damage. Support services are also offered.
Methodist Children’s Home El Paso Outreach
Offers parenting classes, family solutions, and GAP (grandparents as parents) program.
1514 N. Zaragoza Ste. B3 El Paso, TX. 79936
Monday – Friday 8:00am -5:00pm (Intake done over the phone) (915)781-0005
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Everyone deserves relationships free from domestic violence. When you’re ready, we’re here to listen with confidential support 24/7/365.
NAMI of El Paso
201 East Main St., Ste. 600 El Paso, Tx 79901
Advocacy and support for families affected by mental illness. (915)788-5276
N.I.S. Ministry Coronado Baptist Church
Provides treatment, specific counseling with a coed, men, and women only groups. Call for information.
501 Thunderbird Dr. El Paso, Texas 79912
Texas Abuse Hotline
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Pinnacle Services L.L.C.
Individual, family, grief/anxiety counseling available for adults, teenagers and children as young as age 4.
4625 Alabama Ste. C El Paso, Texas 79930
Sierra Providence Health Network
Individual, family, grief/anxiety counseling available for adults, teenagers and children as young as age 4. 1625 Medical Center Dr. El Paso, Texas 79902
Drug/Alcohol Services
Addiction Helpline
Nationwide addiction assistance helpline.
Al-Anon Family Support Group
Fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope to solve their common problems.
Helps teens to recover from the effects of living with a relative or friend who has a drinking problem.
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office
Purchase reading material only.
3318 Douglas Ave. El Paso, Texas 79903
Información en español para juntas de alcohólicos anónimos
Provides assistance and support dealing with alcohol abuse
(915)351-1141 & (915)838-6264
Aliviane, Inc.
Aliviane, Inc. provides the West Texas area with comprehensive, high-quality behavioral health services. We are committed to preventing alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use by raising awareness on the importance of being drug- free and resilient.
1626 Medical Center Dr. El Paso, TX 79902
Aliviane Inc, Behavioral Health Clinic
Bilingual therapists available, individual and group therapy for drug/alcohol issues and dual diagnosis. Individual, group and family therapy and intense case management. Accept children with their mother, however the limit is 3 children, ages 12 and under. Child therapist available.
7722 North Loop Dr, El Paso, TX 79915
(915) 782-4023
Aliviane: PRIDES
Provides early childhood development and social and emotional screening. Mental health and substance abuse, prevention, intervention, and treatment at various levels of intensity for youth, adults, families, and children. Please call for various locations and service types.
Aliviane Inc, Tigua Women and Children’s
Women’s Residential Center (TWCRC) Provides rehabilitation services for women including drug/alcohol counseling, anger management, family counseling and aftercare.
7722 North Loop Dr, El Paso, TX 79915 (915) 782-4023
Arid Club of El Paso
Establish and maintain a clubhouse where all alcoholics in the El Paso area may congregate and associate with
each other in the promotion of the principles by which they maintain their sobriety and the A.A. way of life.
3327 Douglas Ave. El Paso, Texas 79903
Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
(AA office across the street (Kim Ekola) contact person M-F8-4:30pm get literature/pamphlets)
(915)562-4295 – Contact: Front desk assistance
Casa Vida De Salud
Residential 30-day peer recovery services (drug and alcohol problems) for adults only and/or non-residential once a week relapse/recovery/life skills session.
3501 Hueco El Paso, Texas 79903
(915)775-0505 Contact: front desk operator Year-round 24/7
El Paso Methadone Maintenance and Detoxification Treatment Center
Provides counseling services to those addicted to opiates, and to help those patients become productive citizens in the community.
5004 Alameda Ave. El Paso, Texas 79905
Gamblers Anonymous
10453 Springwood, EP, TX 79925
Closed Meeting Every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Open Meeting Every Thursday, 7 p.m.
(210)705-4429, (214)890-0005, (512)860-2958
Homeward Bound Trinity Recovery Center
Detox facility for people with drug and alcohol addictions. Support services (Casa Vida De Salud) for dual diagnosis and indigent must be referred through Trinity Recovery for free services.
8716 Independence El Paso, Texas 79907
(915) 772-9111 Open 24/7 for patients 18 and over
Toll-free number operated by the National Cancer Institute that will connect you directly to your state’s tobacco quit line.
Out Cry in the Barrio
This is a charity, Christian based rehabilitation center for men struggling with alcohol and/or drug addiction.
1414 E Paisano DR, STE C, El Paso, Texas
79901 (915) 838-8887
Recovery Alliance of El Paso
Peer services and recovery support for individuals to ensure the most effective and successful solutions to recovery.
3501 Hueco Ave. El Paso, Texas 79903
Emergency Services
American Red Cross
Provides assistance to families during an emergency crisis.
3620 Admiral Street El Paso, TX 79925
(915) 592-0208 Contact: Front desk operator
Center Against Sexual and Family Violence Crisis Helpline
Emergency shelter, vocational, and educational assistance for women who are victims of abuse.
El Paso Psychiatric Center
Acute mental health services for all ages.
4615 Alameda Ave. El Paso, Texas 79905
(915)532-2202 Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm for administration office otherwise 24/7
Emergence Health Network Crisis Helpline
Crisis telephone assistance and referral for mental health needs. 1600 Montana El Paso, Texas 79902
Water Emergencies (El Paso Water Utilities)
Employment/Education Services
Center for Employment Training
CET provides skills training and job placement services to immigrants, migrant workers and seasonal farm workers who have typically suffered from poverty, low wages and poor working conditions.
10610 North Loop Drive, Ste R, Socorro, TX 79927
(915) 859-1070
Centro Mujeres de la Esperanza
Multicultural and faith-based community of women in El Paso who join in an educational environment to share their realities and gain strength and inspiration from the mutual sharing of their skills, knowledge and support.
1101 Birch St, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 545-1890
Christian Women’s Job Corps
Works to help women make positive changes for themselves and their families. Christian Women’s Job Corp takes a holistic approach to help women meet personal financial, educational, and spiritual goals.
900 Arizona, Unit #10, El Paso, TX 79925
(915) 313-9466
El Paso Community Action Program: Project Bravo
Project Bravo’s Adult Education Center provides a GED certification program for both English and Spanish speakers.
400 S Zaragoza Suite 22, El Paso,
TX 79907
(915) 562-400 Ext. 123
El Paso Community College Sign Language Program
Prepares individuals interested in security entry-level employment working with Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.
EPCC Career Training Center
For more information contact EPCC 215 Francis St, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 831-3301
EPCC GED Testing
EPCC GED Testing Center is a full-service testing center offering the GED Tests in both English and Spanish. GED Candidates should register online before going to testing center.
9050 Viscount Blvd, Bldg. B, Room 156, El Paso, TX 79925
(915) 831-2072
EPISD Guidance Services
Provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal/social development of all students. School counselors are professional school advocates who enhance and maximize student potential and academic achievement.
6531 Boeing Dr, El Paso, TX 79925
(915) 779-3781
EXCEL Learning Center
Excel Learning Center offers career technical/vocational educational programs in the Healthcare, Management and IT fields
1220 Lomaland Dr, El Paso, TX 79907
3 Butterfield Trail Blvd, El Paso, TX 79906
(915) 590-5415, (915) 590-5407
Federal Financial Aid
Contact EPCC or UTEP financial aid offices for local assistance with FAFSA guidelines and applications. Guidelines are also available online.
(319) 337-5665
Job Corps
No-cost education and career technical training program administered by the US Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 to 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training.
11155 Gateway West, El Paso, TX 79935
(915) 594-0022
Mary L Peyton Foundation
Assistance with educational expenses including tuition, career institution that provides vocational training or to a college/university. Other grants are issues for books, supplies, GED tests, licenses for a job or trade such as a food handler, plumber, election, etc. and any form of living assistance such as daycare, rent, gasoline or food.
PO Box 1962 El Paso, TX 79950
(915) 533-9698
Opportunity Center
Free on-site classes for both clients of the OC and the EL Paso Coalition for the Homeless. Main focus is on language and computer skills. GED prep, college & financial aid application assistance from on-site counselors.
1208 E Myrtle Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 577-0069
Project Vida
Provides an Early Childhood Development program, a Latch Key after school program, after school enrichment
activities, gang prevention, parenting classes and GED prep classes for children from birth to age 18.
3607 Rivera, El Paso, TX 79905
(915) 533-7057
Region 19 Education Service Center
Provides professional development for teachers and administrators in areas such as technology, bilingual education, special education, gifted and talented education, curriculum development, teaching skills, administrative leadership, and programs for at-risk students.
6611 Boeing Dr, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 790-5338
San Jacinto Adult Learning Center- ESL
1216 Olive, El Paso, TX 79925
(915) 230-3200
Sun Metro
Ride to Work through Public Transport- need a referral from Social Agency
(915) 534-5807
Upward Bound
Assists low income, first generation high school students in achieving their aspirations of preparing for and succeeding in their postsecondary educational pursuits.
500 W University Ave, 208 Graham Hall, El Paso, TX 79968
(915) 747-5149
English Classes
Church of St. Clement
Cost is $40 to cover materials. Different levels are available.
810 N Campbell, El Paso, TX 79902
Edward Endlich, (915) 521-8040;
Wednesday/Miércoles 9:00am-11:00am
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services
2400 E Yandell Dr, El Paso, TX 79903
Sarah Sanchez, (915) 532-3975 x224,
ESL: Every Tuesday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm; Civic: Every Thursday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
El Paso High School
Spanish-English Co-Learning Group
Room 207 800 E Schuster Ave, El Paso, TX79902
(915) 236-2606;
Wednesday/Miércoles 5:30-7:30
El Paso Public Library
Various classes are in different locations in El Paso.
(915) 212-0361 – All days but Sundays
First Baptist Church of El Paso
Es un ministerio realizado durante el calendario escolar (septiembre a mayo) dirigido a enseñar clases de inglés los domingos de 4:30 a 7:00 p.m. en salón F112.
805 Montana Ave, El Paso, TX 79902
Dr. Edgardo Martinez (915) 247-9296;
Sunday/Domingo 4:30-7:00
Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey
1010 E. Yandell Dr., El Paso, TX 79902
Pastora Rose Mary Sánchez-Guzmán, (915) 544-6545,
Mondays & Wednesday/ Lunes & Miércoles 6:30-8:00
Cell Phone Services
Assurance Wireless (free phone for low income)
Link up America
Discount for phone service
Safelink (free cell phone)
Food Pantries
Candlelighters of El Paso
1400 Hardaway St. 206 El Paso, Texas 79903
Contact: Front desk Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Distribution is for parents of kids (0-21) with cancer only and patient MUST be registered with Candlelighters.
(915) 544-2222
Emmanuel UMC
1201 Magoffin Ave El Paso, Texas 79901
Distribution: 3rd Saturday of every month from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
First Assembly of God
3928 Montana El Paso, Texas 79903
Distribution: 3rd Wednesday of every month from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm (915) 565-2337
Grace Christian Center
820 N. Raynor El Paso, TX. 79903
Distribution: Last Saturday of each month 8:00am – 11:00am (915)544-7400
Opportunity Center
1208 Myrtle El Paso, Texas 79901
Center open 6:30am – 5:30pm.
Distribution: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily.
Sacred Heart Church
610 S. Oregon El Paso, Texas 79901
Distribution: 79901 zip code only. Friday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.
Salvation Army
4300 E. Paisano Dr. El Paso, Texas 79905
Distribution: Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. Hot meals for homeless.
Society of St. Vincent De Paul
6950 Third St. Canutillo, Texas 79835 Distribution: Every Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm.
(915)613-3984/ (915)877-7030
Foster/Adoption Services
A World for Children
Provides foster and foster-to-adopt services for abused and neglected children across the state.
1760 Airway Blvd. Ste. 102, El Paso, Texas
79925 (915) 781-3330
El Paso Center for Children – Hearts & Home Foster Care
Recruitment to become foster home providers.
(915) 565-5021
Lee and Beulah Moor Children’s Home
Basic licensed child care facility and child placing agency licensed by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
1100 Cliff Dr. El Paso, Texas 79902
Contact: Receptionist Monday –
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm (915)544-8777
Therapeutic Home Program
Offers therapeutic foster care for emotionally disturbed youth. Child Protective Services will place the child with a trained and licensed professional parent for an average of 9-10 months.
2108 N. Stevens El Paso, Texas 79930
(915) 565-8361
Children’s Grief Center
Provide healing and hope for grieving children, teens and families following the death of a loved one by sharing experiences and feelings in a peer support group so families learn they are not alone.
11625 Pellicano, Ste B Eastside El Paso, TX 79936
Child Guidance Center
(915)562-1999 or (915)860-2644
Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso
1724 Wyoming Downtown El Paso, TX 79902
Nation’s largest donor- and volunteer-supported mentoring network that provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships through making meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 6 through 18.
Boys & Girls Clubs of El Paso
801 S Florence Downtown El Paso, TX 79901
Provide youth with a fun, safe and constructive environment when not at home or school with programs designed to improve academic achievement, build character, and strengthen life skills.
Child Crisis Center of El Paso – 24/7
Emergency shelter for children of families experiencing a crisis. Services include critical need for parental stress relief, hospitalization, incarceration, rehab, homelessness, deportation, child protective placement, and/or utilities disconnect. Family counseling at very reduced or sometimes free rates. They make home visits in case ppl don’t have transportation. It’s for children and their families.
(915)562.7955 / (915)562.2524
Advocacy Center for the Children of El Paso
1100 E. Cliff Drive Bldg. D El Paso, TX 79902
Advocates for child victims of abuse and neglect by providing education and a collaborative, comprehensive and efficient intervention to seek justice and to maximize each child’s chance for healing.
Main: (915)545-5400 Alternate: (915)545-5425
The Winchester House
The Winchester House is a transitional living center for former foster youth and homeless males between the ages of 18- 25.
810 Montana Ave. El Paso, Texas 79930
Creative Kids, Inc.
504 San Francisco St. El Paso, Texas
Provides art and digital media resources to at-risk youth, youth with disabilities and youth battling cancer.
Early Childhood Intervention
1101 Shuster El Paso, Texas 79902
ECI Statewide program to help children from birth up to three years old who have developmental delays.
El Paso Center for Children STAR PROGRAM
2108 North Stevens El Paso, Texas 79930
Provides individual, family and group counseling that helps youth and families recognize and use their strengths to address goals that are solution focused. Offers skills trainings on issues such as: self-esteem, anger management, developing positive friendships, resisting negative peer pressure, making good decisions and developing coping skills. ****Operates an Emergency shelter for situations where a family is in crisis and short terms respite care is necessary.
Eligibility Criteria: • A family must live in El Paso County and have a youth, age 17 or younger, who meets one of the following criteria: • Runaway: has left home without consent or was asked to leave • Truant: repeatedly skips school or misses class • In Family Conflict: involved in significant conflict at home • Delinquent: involved in delinquent activity, such as fights, theft or drug/alcohol use Project
Punto de Partida
24 hr. Hotline: 915-479-3152
1201 E. Yandell El Paso, TX 79902 Free of charge.
El Paso Center for Children Runaway Emergency
2116 North Stevens El Paso, Texas 79930
Provides short term shelter for homeless and runaway youth ages 10y.o – 17y.o. Offers individual, group and family counseling and helps to prevent future problems and stabilize the lives of young people to keep safe. ****Operates an Emergency shelter for situations where a family is in crisis and short terms respite care is necessary.
Free/Low Cost Health Clinics
Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe (La Fe Clinic)
Provides adult medical and dental services. Call for information and locations.
1314 E. Yandell Dr. El Paso, Texas 79902
Centro San Vicente
Provides case management for the Medicaid population of 0-21 years of age. Mental health assessment brief counseling in the areas of domestic violence, substance abuse, child behavioral problems, and grief.
8061 Alameda Ave. El Paso, Texas 79915
Monday – Friday 7:00am – 7:00pm
Centro San Vicente – Homeless Teens and Mothers
Satellite clinic for homeless teenagers and mothers 17 to 21 years of age. Provides primary care that includes laboratory, pharmacy, social services, mental health, and immunizations.
Project Vida
Provides services for basic medical and dental needs, immunizations, mental health, and family planning education and services.
4875 Maxwell El Paso, Texas 79904
(915) 313-9908
3612 Pera El Paso, Texas 79905
7000 5th Street Building B Canutillo, TX 79835
(915) 533-7057 EXT: 735
Medical/Dental Related Services
American Cancer Society
Provides educational information to community, groups, and schools, provides service to cancer patients as well as early detection programs.
10801 Gateway West, Ste. 500 El Paso, TX 79935
Monday – Friday from 8:00 – 4:30 (Closed for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00)
Brain Injury Association of Texas-Brain Injury Support Group Mentis Neuro Rehab
Support group for patients who have suffered a brain injury. 1831 Murchison Ste. C El Paso, Texas 79902
Help children and families deal with cancer trauma, emergency funds for medicine, travel, crisis, support groups, a summer camp for kids with cancer and their siblings, food pantry and more.
1400 Hardaway Suite #206 El Paso, Texas 79903
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00
(915) 544-2222
Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe Clinic
Offer health care services including dental services 700 S Ochoa St., El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 545-4550
Centro San Vicente
Primary Health Care, Sliding Scales fee 8061 Alameda, El Paso, TX
(915) 859-7545
Centro San Vicente Homeless Clinic
1208 Myrtle Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 351-8972
Del Sol Medical Center (hospital)
10301 Gateway Blvd W El Paso, Texas 79925
Dialysis Center-DaVita
Regional Office
1382 Lomaland Ste. B, El Paso, TX 79907
Upper Valley Dialysis
7933 N. Mesa Ste. H El Paso, TX 79932
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Questions
Texas Department of State Health Services
The El Paso Baptist Clinic
816 S Florence, El Paso, TX (915) 532-5398 – Saturdays only
El Paso Community College
Nursing services include, immunizations, vital signs monitoring, blood sugar screening, breast exam awareness, sports physicals. Also offers dental cleanings.
100 West Rio Grande Ave, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 831-4016
El Paso Diabetes Association
Diabetes support groups, diabetes management classes. 3641 Mattox El Paso, Texas 79902
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Contact: Front desk operator
El Paso Electric Company
Life Support Services and Financial Assistance. (915)543-5970
El Paso Pediatric Associates
Specialize in chronic, acute and preventative medical care for children from birth through the teenage years. Provides consultation on health-related issues such as Autism, ADHD, and weight problems.
1160 Saddle Bronc Dr. El Paso, TX. 79925
(915)593-2033 Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm Contact: Front desk operator
650 Belvidere Dr. El Paso, TX. 79912
(915) 533-1441 Monday – Friday 8:00am – 7:00pm, Saturday 8:30am – 11:30pm
Lifeline (emergency response button)
Life Saver Transplant Support Group, Inc.
Provides support, and education to those involved with organ transplants. 2509 Montana Ave. El Paso, Texas 79903
(915) 225-1723
Linking Live Support Group
Provides support, awareness, education, and advocacy to those involved with organ transplants. Dr. El Paso, Texas 79912
Medic Alert Foundation (safe return/medical bracelet)
Must seek Alzheimer’s Association first.
Prevent Blindness Texas
235 Plamary
Aims to prevent blindness, preserve sight, and enhance and extend the quality of vision life for all Texans by providing sight-saving programs and services through our network of volunteers.
1600 N.E. Loop 410 Suite 125 San Antonio, Texas 78209
Project Bravo
Assistance with prescriptions, employment, housing, education and utilities. Various
(915) 564-4100
(210) 236-7360
Project Inform
Promotes the idea that people with HIV/AIDS should be thoroughly empowered and educated in making sound decisions about their health care.
1375 Mission St. San Francisco, California 94103
Project Vida
Provides services for basic medical and dental needs, immunizations, mental health, and family planning education and services.
4875 Maxwell El Paso, Texas 79904
3612 Pera El Paso, Texas 79905
7000 5th Street Building B Canutillo, TX 79835
(915) 533-7057 EXT: 735
Project Vida Dental Clinic
Offers a sliding scale discount based on patient’s income and family size. Payment is expected at the time of services.
3607 Rivera Ave, El Paso, TX 79905
(915) 313-9908
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
Provides cancer information and health resource center. 10460 Vista Del Sol Suite 101 El Paso, Texas 79925
(915) 562-7660
Project Bravo
Assistance with prescriptions, employment, housing, education and utilities. Various
(915) 564-4100
(210) 236-7360
Project Inform
Promotes the idea that people with HIV/AIDS should be thoroughly empowered and educated in making sound decisions about their health care.
1375 Mission St. San Francisco, California 94103
Project Vida
Provides services for basic medical and dental needs, immunizations, mental health, and family planning education and services.
4875 Maxwell El Paso, Texas 79904
3612 Pera El Paso, Texas 79905
7000 5th Street Building B Canutillo, TX 79835
(915) 533-7057 EXT: 735
Project Vida Dental Clinic
Offers a sliding scale discount based on patient’s income and family size. Payment is expected at the time of services.
3607 Rivera Ave, El Paso, TX 79905
(915) 313-9908
Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
Provides cancer information and health resource center. 10460 Vista Del Sol Suite 101 El Paso, Texas 79925
(915) 562-7660
House of Hope Women’s Reproductive Health
Provides free pregnancy testing, ultrasound evaluations, medical consultation with a nurse, information on abortion, adopting and parenting.
4100 Rio Bravo Ste. 309 El Paso, TX. 79902
(915) 351-7643
Love of Life Pregnancy Center
Free pregnancy test, prenatal class, parenting, “Life Hurts/God Heals”, a 13-week program for girls (7-12 grades), court ordered parenting/tobacco classes, counseling, and mentoring.
8888 Dyer, Ste 315, El Paso, TX 79924
(915) 755-1222
Pregnancy Help Center of El Paso
Free pregnancy testing, confidential counseling, sexual health education, Medicaid forms, adoption and referral information, referrals for housing, food, WIC and doctors.
3565 N Lee Trevino, El Paso, TX 79936
(915) 591.1343
Sexual Trauma and Assault Response Services (STARS)
Hotline Provide support and information surrounding issues of sexual violence. This includes group or individual counseling, medical attention, reporting a crime to law enforcement as well as many other services.
(915) 779-1800
Texas Pregnancy Care Network
Provides confidential information about alternatives to abortion and parenting support services. 12885 Research Ste. 207 Austin, Texas 78750
YWCA El Paso del Norte Region
For women and children. Provides childcare, health and fitness classes, family and financial counseling, teen programs, leadership development, and pregnant/parenting teen programs.
1918 Texas St, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 533-2311
Housing Assistance
Center Against Family Violence Family Resource Center
For victims of domestic violence. Housing and low-income resources provided include education services, job training, employment skills and help in preparing for permanent housing. Learn about government housing vouchers too.
580 Giles, El Paso, Texas 79915
(915) 593-1000
El Paso Human Services, Inc.
Youth and young men under the age of 25 can access low income and short-term housing.
It is mostly for those that have been emancipated from the state of Texas child welfare system.
8620 Winchester Rd, El Paso, TX 79907
(915) 790-2232
Good Samaritan (independent living)
Habitat for Humanity (home construction if eligible)
Homeowners HOPE
Help with mortgages (888) 995-4673
Homeless to Homes
(915) 887-0899 / (915) 849-3742
Homeowner Preservation Foundation
Provides free telephone and web-based foreclosure prevention counseling for people who are having trouble paying their mortgage.
3303 Excelsior Ste. 500 Minneapolis, MN 55416
Housing Authority (Section 8 and Public Housing)
(915) 849-3742
NCDO (NE Comm Development Org)
5250 Wren (915) 751-6581
Project BRAVO
855.300.6539 or 2000
Texas Ave 915.562.4100 El Paso TX 79901
Offer affordable housing for low-to median-income families. Provide HUD Certified housing counseling for first-time homebuyer,
education, and foreclosure prevention counseling.
Project Vida
Apartments and transitional living programs are available for up to 18 months, allowing time for a family with children to become self-reliant.
3607 Rivera Ave, El Paso, Texas 79905
(915) 533-7057
Rebuilding Together (bathroom/home repair)
(915) 832-7010
Rescue Mission of El Paso
221 N. Lee Street Downtown El Paso, TX 79901
29 Emergency shelter for homeless that provides three meals daily, shower and laundry facilities, job search assistance, counseling, and bible study classes.
Salvation Army, The El Paso County center
For those who came from a Red Shield Shelter, transitional housing may be provided.
Clients need to be employed.
3918 Bliss Ave, El Paso, TX 79903
(915) 566-4572
Tierra Del Sol (Housing authority in New Mexico)
Tierra Madre
YWCA Sarah McKnight Transitional Living Center
Program participants, which is mostly the homeless, receive case management, free housing, job development, transportation, life-skills classes, low cost day-care, advocacy, and individual and group therapy for women and children.
3700 Altura Ave, El Paso, Texas 79930
(915) 566-2762
Immigration Services
Annunciation House
Serves mainly undocumented refugee men, women & families; 55 beds, meals provided; clothing provided to residents and nonresidents; political asylum counseling.
1003 E San Antonio Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 545-4509
Citizenship Classes (If Resident)
(915) 593-2772
Church of Christ
10104 Album, El Paso, TX
Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services
Immigration legal aid clinic serving low-income immigrants and refugees.
2400 E Yandell, El Paso, TX 79903
Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 4:30pm; Friday 8:30am – 12:00pm; CLOSED THE LAST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH
Immigration and Naturalization Service
1545 Hawkins El Paso, TX. 79925
Las Americas
1500 E Yandell Dr, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 544-5126
Mexican Consulate
(915) 533-3644
Sin Fronteras
Provides temporary shelter, food social services to agricultural workers, publishes and distributes information relative to self-improvement, health education and the welfare of farm workers.
201 East 9th Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 532-0921
Texas Rural Legal Aid
TRLA is a non-profit organization that provides free legal services to low-income residents and represents migrant and seasonal farm workers throughout the state of Texas.
1331 Texas St, El Paso, TX
(915) 585-5100
UTEP College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) has been implemented to address migrant student needs through a multi-faceted program of academic assistance, supportive services, and financial assistance.
500 West University Ave, Union W 211, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 747-6688
Law Enforcement Related Services
Federal Bureau of Investigations
Monday – Friday 8:15am – 5:00pm for administration and agents only (After hours 24/7 emergencies)
Police – El Paso Police Department (non-emergency number)
(915) 832-4400
Legal Related Services
Attorney General’s Office
Identity protection, child support services, investigation of allegations of fraud.
6090 Surety Dr. Ste. 250 El Paso, TX 79905
Domestic Relations Office
Monitor and enforcement of child support/medical support orders, medical expense reimbursement, and enforcement of access and possession schedules, family court services.
500 East San Antonio Lower Level #108 El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 834-8200
County Attorney’s Office
Emergency Detention 915-546-2084 ●Emergency Detention Magistrate (after 3:00pm)
(915) 546-2077
Crime Victims Compensation Attorney General’s Office
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm 1-800-983-9933
Legal Aid
Legal assistance for low income. (915) 585-5100 Protective Orders (restraining orders)
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (NTDAH)
P.O. Box 161810 Austin, Texas 78716
National web-based and the telephone helpline for teens experiencing dating abuse, and concerned parents and friends.
El Paso Fighting Hunger
Call for information on which pantry for your zip code (915) 298-0353
First Baptist Church
805 Montana Ave, El Paso, TX 79902 Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 11:00-12:00 (915)533-1465
Mustard Seed CafŒ
201 E. Sun Set Rd., El Paso, TX 79922 (915) 440-7333
Rescue Mission of El Paso
Help for the homeless including food, clothing, shelter, counseling, job placement, employment for the disabled, drug and alcohol treatment program.
1949 West Paisano Dr, El Paso TX, 79922
(915) 532-2575
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army operates a soup kitchen, family emergency shelter and food pantry at the Paisano location. 4300 E Paisano, El Paso TX, 79905
(915) 544-9811
St. Christopher Pantry
Soup kitchen and food pantry every Saturday morning at 11:00am. 300 Riverdale, El Paso TX, 79915
(915) 859-9329
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
1118 N Mesa St, El Paso, TX 79902
Monday- Sunday, 9:00am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-7:00pm (915) 533-4451
Texas Dept of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Program
Mission is to food the hungry and promote healthy lifestyles. Provides emergency and one-going food nutrition services for individuals and families, children and adults. Includes school breakfast and lunch program.
401 E Franklin, Ste. 410, El Paso TX, 79901
(915) 834-7506
Trinity- First United Methodist Church
915 N. Florence, EP, TX 79901 *Hours Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
(915)533-2674 ext.10
Mental/Behavioral Health Needs
Suicide Prevention
National and local mental health services, listed below, offer telephone, chat, text, and other resources for people who are at risk of suicide. Contact your local mental health authority or call 2-1-1 and ask for the LMHA in your area.
Learn important information on how to help someone who may have suicidal thoughts or feelings. Download the suicide prevention wallet card (PDF), which identifies warning signs, specific steps to help someone, and resources to get help.
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
- Call or text: 9-8-8
- Chat online:
- Support for people who are deaf and hard of hearing: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988.
Crisis Text Line
Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 crisis support and trains volunteers to support people in crisis.
- Text: TX to 741741 for free, 24/7 crisis support in the U.S.
- Visit:
Parent and Youth Suicide Prevention
To learn about connecting with youth to discuss thoughts of suicide, download the Youth Suicide Prevention (PDF) and Youth Suicide Prevention Wallet Card (PDF).
Older Adult Suicide Prevention
Discussions about mental health and checking in with older adults who have experienced a significant loss is important. To learn more, download the Mental Health in Older Adults (PDF) informational flyer.
Alternatives Center for Behavioral Health
Partial hospitalization program. Services provided during the day, psychiatrist available for medication. Take most insurances, no Medicaid accepted. Provides individual, group and family therapy.
7760 Alabama El Paso, Texas 79904
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Contact: Front desk operator (915)757-7999
Atlantis Behavioral Health Organization
Provides a variety of mental health services to include psychological rehab and training, psychiatric evaluation, medication management, transportation to mental health appointments, housing assistance and supportive employment assistance.
1514 N Zaragoza, Ste B-4, El Paso TX, 79936
Centro San Vicente
Provides case management for the Medicaid population of 0-21 years of age. Mental health assessment brief counseling in the areas of domestic violence, substance abuse, child behavioral problems, and grief.
8061 Alameda Ave. El Paso, Texas 79915
Monday – Friday 7:00am – 7:00pm 915-859-7545 -Contact: Front desk operator
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of El Paso (DBSA)
Provide support groups and education for adults, adolescents, and children diagnosed with depression. Also provides support for the families and friends.
55 E. Jackson Blvd. Suite 490 Chicago, Illinois 60604
El Paso Behavioral Health System
Main (Inpatient/Outpatient)
1900 Denver Avenue Central El Paso, TX 79902
10501 Gateway Blvd West Eastside El Paso, TX 79925 –
Northeast (Outpatient)
5255 Woodrow Bean Transmountain Rd, Ste 18b Northeast
El Paso, TX 79924
Provide comprehensive, free behavioral health assessments, quality interventions, treatment, and integrated mental health care to Veterans, active duty, and dependents.
El Paso Psychiatric Center
Acute mental health services for all ages.
4615 Alameda Ave. El Paso, Texas 79905
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm for administration office otherwise 24/7 (915) 532-
Emergence Health Network
Mental Health Authority for El Paso assists persons with mental health illnesses, developmental disabilities, and related conditions.
●Crisis Helpline (915) 779-1800 option 4
●Mobile Unit (915) 779-1800 option 5 (915)887-3410
Emergence: Extended Observation Unit
1600 Montana, El Paso TX, 79902 (915) 887-3410
La Familia del Paso, Inc.
Psychosocial rehabilitation for chronically mentally ill. Provides community -based rehab services at either the participant’s home or at the center. Programs focus on skills and activities such as independent living skills, socialization, anger management, symptom management, stress reductions and problem-solving skills.
1511 E Yandell Dr, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 532-9434
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Offers education programs to the caregivers, family members who have adult relatives or children with brain disorders. Support groups meet monthly.
El Paso 4615 Alameda Rm. 1157 El Paso, Texas 79905
(915) 534-5478
PEAK Behavioral
Hospital and residential treatment Center (RTC) specializing in treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with psychiatric and chemical dependency needs.
5055 McNutt Rd, Santa Teresa, NW 88008
(575) 589-3000
Project Vida
Counseling and behavioral health services are available through Project Vida health clinics in El Paso.
3608 Pera Ave, El Paso, TX 79905
(915) 544-4400
The University of Texas at El Paso (Division of Student Affairs)
Provides mental health services to currently enrolled UTEP students who seek assistance with personal or career services.
Union East Room 106 El Paso, Texas 79968
Monday thru Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
El Paso Behavioral Health Systems (EPBHS)
Provides assistance and information on mental health services. Insurance is required.
1900Denver El Paso, Texas 79902
915-544-4000 – OPEN 24/7
Services for Adolescents
Centro San Vicente – Homeless Teens and Mothers
Satellite clinic for homeless teenagers and mothers 17 to 21 years of age. Provides primary care that includes laboratory, pharmacy, social services, mental health, and immunizations.
1208 Myrtle Street El Paso, Texas 79901
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 5:00pm; Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Children and Adolescent Mental Health Programs (CHAMPS)
Serves children and adolescents ages 3-17 years old with a mental illness.
8500 Boeing El
Paso, Texas 79925
Monday – Thursday 7:30am – 6:00pm
Friday 7:30am – 1:00pm
(915)599-6600 -Contact: Front desk operator
El Paso County Mental Health Support Services
Community based system of care development effort for youth with serious emotional disturbances (SED).
6314 Delta El Paso, TX. 79905
El Paso Human Services, Inc.
The Preparation and Resources for Independence through Determination with Excellence (PRIDE) Center has been developed as a comprehensive one-stop resource center in El Paso, Texas. At the PRIDE Center, current and former youth in foster care between the ages of 16-25
1001 Montana Ave. El Paso, Texas 79930
(915)534-7227- Contact: Front desk operator Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
The Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) program was implemented in 1986 to ensure that older youth in substitute care are prepared for their inevitable departure from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services’ care and support.
Texas Juvenile Probation Commission
6400 Delta Drive El Paso, Texas 79905
Juvenile justice system for youth ranging in age from 10 through 16.
The Winchester House
The Winchester House is a transitional living center for former foster youth and homeless males between the ages of 18-25.
810 Montana Ave. El Paso, Texas 79930
Youth Initiative Program Directory, El Paso Police Dept.
Promotes and supports community partnerships and collaborative efforts to address youth issues, including prevention and early intervention. YIP Directory is an extensive document providing information about youth- related resources in the El Paso area.
911 N Raynor, El Paso, TX 79903 (915) 564-7000
Services for the Aging (Elderly)
Adult Protective Services
Advocacy for elderly and disabled adults, support groups, education and safe return registration program. Hotline to report abuse/neglect/exploitation
1-800-252-5400 Local Number
Aging, Disability and Transportation Resource Center
Provides information and referrals to people with disabilities of all ages, older adults, caregivers and families who have multiple needs requiring multiple services.
3210 Dyer St. El Paso, TX 79930
Alzheimer’s Association
Education programs and awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Information and referrals to local resources, support groups and care consultations. Medic Alert and Safe Return program for those who wander. 110 Mesa Park Dr., Ste 250 El Paso, TX 79912
Monday – Friday 9:00 – 5:00
Contact: Front desk operator
HELPLINE 1-800-272-3900 (Operates: Year around & 24/7)
(915) 544-1799
Area Agency on Aging
The Rio Grande AAA serves individuals 60 years of age and older and their families living in El Paso, Hudspeth, Culberson, Jeff Davis, Presidio and Brewster counties through the various direct services it provides and/or through purchased services on behalf of a client.
8037 Lockheed Drive, Suite 100 El Paso, TX 79925
Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. & Friday 8:00 – 12:00 Contact: Front desk operator (915)533-0998
Casa Bienvivir
Housing for low-income elderly.
950 N. Carolina El Paso, Texas 79915 Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00
Contact: Front desk operator (915)590-3942
Christmas in April, El Paso, Inc. (Rebuilding Together)
Repair homes of low-income elderly and individuals with disabilities, front and backyard clean up, grab bar assistance.
100 W. Sunset Rd. El Paso, Texas 79912
(915) 832-7010
Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS)
Medicare insurance for the aging and disabled, benefits, etc. 4900 Lamar 4th Floor Austin, Texas 78756
Texas Dept. of Aging and Disability Services
Home provider services, senior companionship program, and Medicaid; complaints against
Elderly and Domestic abuse Prevention Unit, EPPD
The El Paso Police Department is dedicated to protect family members in cases of Domestic Violence and Elderly Abuse.
2 Civic Center Plaza, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 541-4000; (915) 832-4400 (to report an incident);
1-800-521-3965 (Adult Protective Services)
El Paso Community Action Program: Project Bravo
The weatherization, heating and cooling and refrigerator replacement programs are three of the services provided by Project Bravo for low-income families, handicapped and senior citizens.
2000 Texas Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 565-7061
El Paso County Attorney’s Office
Advocates and assists the elderly living within the El Paso Community. 500 E. San Antonio Rm. 503 El Paso, Texas 79901
(915) 546-2050
County Attorney’s Office: Elder Protection Unit
El Paso County Nutrition Program
Center based meals are served in 21 sites throughout the County. Homebound meal program for senior citizens. The Department of Aging and Disability Services and the Atea Agency on Aging assess potential clients for referral to the County homebound meal program.
800 E Overland, Ste 208, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 546-8167
El Paso Probate Court No. 1 Judge Patricia B. Chew, Probate Judge
Provides services for the indigent (elderly, incapacitated) population through an application process handled by the court. Guardianship Referrals.
500 E. San Antonio El Paso, Texas 79901
El Paso Probate Court No. 2 Judge Eduardo Gamboa, Probate Judge
Provides services for the indigent (elderly, incapacitated) population through an application process handled by the court. Guardianship Referrals.
500 E. San Antonio El Paso, Texas 79901
Project Amistad
Provides services to elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and persons at risk. It provides a variety of Transportation
Programs as well as the Guardianship & Money Management Program.
12100 Esther Lama Drive El Paso, Texas 79936
(915) 532-3790
Senior Community Programs
Father Martinez Senior Center
EPCC Senior Adult Program
South El Paso Senior Center
San Juan Senior Center
Wellington Chew Senior Center
Eastside Senior Citizen Center
(915) 591-4292
Polly Harris Senior Center
Memorial Park Senior Center
(915) 562-4260
Salvation Army of El Paso
Terry W Hammond and Associates, PLLC
300 E Main Dr, Ste 1426, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 534-7000
VIBA Transport
4100 Rio Bravo St
Transport to and from doctor
(915) 544-8422
Services for Children
Advocacy Center for the Children of El Paso
Advocates for child victims of abuse and neglect by providing education and a collaborative, comprehensive and efficient intervention to seek justice and to maximize each child’s chance for healing.
100 E. Cliff Drive Bldg. D El Paso, TX 79902
Main: (915)545-5400 Alternate: (915) 545-5425
Autism Society of El Paso
Meetings takes place on the second Tuesday of every month. 400 N. Carolina Dr. El Paso, TX 79915
Big Brothers & Big Sisters Mentoring Program
A one-to-one mentoring program that provides children facing adversity with professional supported mentoring relationships that help them reach their full potential.
1724 Wyoming, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 544-4203
Boys & Girls Club
Offers core programs for youth in character and leadership development, education and
career development, health &
life skills, the arts, sports, fitness and recreation.
801 S Florence, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 532-7410
Help children and families deal with cancer trauma, emergency funds for medicine, travel, crisis, support groups, a summer camp for kids with cancer and their siblings, food pantry and more.
1400 Hardaway Suite #206 El Paso, Texas 79903
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 5:00
CASA of El Paso
Provides court-appointed volunteers who advocate on behalf of abused and/or neglected
children. 500 E. San Antonio Suite 312 El Paso, Texas 79901
Children and Adolescent Mental Health Programs (CHAMPS)
Serves children and adolescents ages 3-17 years old with a mental illness. 8500 Boeing El Paso, Texas 79925
Monday – Thursday 7:30am – 6:00pm; Friday 7:30am – 1:00pm
(915) 599-6600 -Contact: Front desk operator
Child Crisis Center of El Paso
Provides emergency 24 hr. shelter for children ages 0-13 in crisis situations. Voluntary pregnancy education for first time pregnant teens.
2100 N Stevens El Paso, Texas 79930
(915)562-7955 -Contact: Front desk operator
Children with Special Health Care Needs CSHCN
Provides assistance, guidance, and information on disabilities services. 401 E. Franklin Suite 210 El Paso, Texas 79901
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
(915) 834-7675- Contact: Front desk operator
Children’s Disabilities Information Coalition-Parent Resource Center
Community parent resource center for parents of children with disabilities ages 0-26. Offer trainings, information, and resources for parents of children with disabilities. All services are free.
1101 Schuster El Paso, Texas 79902
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Ciudad Nueva Community Outreach
Program seeks to embody the gospel of Jesus Christ by advancing the renewal and development of inner city El Paso, TX
through the transformation and empowerment of its residents.
528 E Yandell, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 521-2951
Communities in Schools-El Paso, Inc.
Promotes and facilitates the coordinated delivery of community social services as well as support services for young people and their families in at-risk situations.
1401 Pendale Ste. 300 El Paso, Texas 79936
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
(915) 593-7317 – Contact: Front desk operator
Community Solutions of El Paso
Specialized mentoring program for children having or who have had a parent or close loved one in prison. 814 N. Virginia El Paso, Texas 79902
Creative Kids, Inc.
Provides art and digital media resources to at-risk youth, youth with disabilities and youth battling cancer. 504 San Francisco St. El Paso, Texas 79901
Early Childhood Intervention-ECI
Statewide program to help children from birth up to three years old who have developmental delays. 1101 Shuster El Paso, Texas 79902
El Paso Center for Children
Implements wrap-around service approach to assure youths and families access to community-based and culturally competent quality services.
2200 N. Steven Cottage #4 El Paso, TX. 79930
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm for administration; Runaway 24/7 Ages 12-17 years
(915) 562-4765
Ronald McDonald Charities
Shelter for families with seriously ill children who are undergoing treatment in nearby hospitals. 300 E California Ave, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 542-1522
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS)
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
501 Hawkins El Paso, TX. 79915 (Main office) (915)542-4535
7400 Diana El Paso, TX. 79904 (915)759-3497
10640 N. Loop El Paso, TX. 79927 (915)791-8691
11295 Edgemere El Paso, Texas 79903 (915)-629-3321
2300 E. Yandell El Paso, Texas 79903 (915)747-4671
401 E. Franklin St. Suite 350 El Paso, TX 79901 (915)834-5743
Abuse Hotline for MHMR Investigation
Investigates abuse, neglect, abandonment, and sexual abuse of children, adults 65+ and individuals 18 to 65 with a mental illness or mental delay.
701 W. 51st St. Austin, Texas 78751
DFPS Ombudsman: 1-800-252-5400 (24 Hours)
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Pediatric Department
Provides medical services for patients from birth to 18 years of age. 4801 Alberta El Paso, Texas 79905 (915) 215-5700
Trinity First United Methodist Church Faith-based Day
School for children 9 months to Kinder. Provides discipleship for nursery children, youth, families, and adults. 801 N. Mesa El Paso, TX 79902
YWCA Judy & Kirk Robinson Mi Casa Child Development Center
Dedicated solely to serving the child care needs of the homeless families in the City of El Paso. Mi Casa transports children to and from 13 area homeless shelters every day and provides childcare to these children free of charge. (915) 533-2311
YWCA of El Paso
Dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. 201 E Main, Ste 400, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 533-2311
Services for Parents
Helps families break the cycle of poverty by focusing on education in three areas; early childhood development, parenting, and adult literacy.
1155 West Mooreland Ste. 215 El Paso, Texas 79915
Contact: Bertha Macias @ (915) 731-5852 (STRICTLY HOME VISIT NOW)
Compassionate Friends
Support group for parents who have lost a child.
Pregnancy & Fatherhood Solutions
(915) 591-1343
*EAST SIDE Location: 3565 N. Lee Trevino El Paso, TX 79936
(915) 591-1343 OR Text: (915) 249-1344 (Call for appointment).
Monday 4:00pm – 8:00pm, Tuesday 9:00am – 5:00pm & Thursday 9:00am – 12:00pm (closed 12:00pm-1:00pm)
*Mobile Unit Location and hours: 1840 N. Lee Trevino El Paso, TX. 79936 (In front of BIG 8)
Thursday 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
(915) 591-1343 OR Text (915) 249-1344
*NORTHEAST LOCATION: 9101 N. Dyer Suite #102 El Paso, TX. 79924 (915) 539-1000 (Call for appointment.)
Monday 1:00pm – 5:00pm, Friday 10:00am – 5:00pm & Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm
Services for Persons with Disabilities
Advocacy Inc
Disability Rights Texas is the federally designated legal protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities in Texas. The mission is to help people with disabilities understand and exercise their rights under the law, ensuring their full and equal participation in society.
215 N Stanton, Ste 700, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 542-0585
Christmas in April, El Paso, Inc. (Rebuilding Together)
Repair homes of low-income elderly and individuals with disabilities, front and backyard clean up, grab bar assistance.
100 W. Sunset Rd. El Paso, Texas 79912
(915) 832-7010
Community Action Program: Project Bravo
Provides assistance in completing and submitting applications for a free eye exam.
Provides assistance in completing and submitting applications for a free eye exam and helps to provide free eyewear to the financially needy.
(915) 565-7061
Deaf Relay Services
Disability Rights Texas
Advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities. 300 E. Main St. Suite 205 El Paso, Texas 79901 (915) 542-0585
2222 W. Braker Lane Austin, Texas 78758 1-512-454-4816
Statewide intake line
Video Line
Purple 3 Video Line 1-512-271-9391
Intake online is:
El Paso Community Action Program: Project Bravo
The weatherization, heating and cooling and refrigerator replacement programs are three of the services provided by Project Bravo for low-income families, handicapped and senior citizens.
2000 Texas Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 565-7061
Light House for the Blind
Organization offers training, resources, and services to provide the blind and visually impaired with access to the dame opportunities and quality of life available to everyone around them. The Lighthouse works with individuals, their families and the community to remove physical, economic and social barriers that affect their quality of life.
200 Washington St, El Paso, TX 79905
(915) 532-4495
Lions for Vision
Low cost eye glasses to low income individuals; $35 adults and $25 kids. Adults provide their own prescriptions; children should go through their school nurse and will get a free eye exam with their $25 glasses.
8888 Dyer St, #315, El Paso, TX 79904
(915) 757-6566
Lift, Sun Metro
Transportation for disabled in El Paso/MD certification required. 915-212-0100
Sight for Students
VSP charity that provides free vision exams and glasses to low-income, uninsured children.
The program operates nationally through a network of community partners who identify children in need and VSP network doctors who provide the eye-care services.
1(888) 290-4964
Texas Ramps Project
Lynn Yanez (volunteer assistance with outside ramps) 915-740-5461
John Laine (2nd contact)
Texas Dept. of Aging and Disability Services (DADS)
Medicare insurance for the aging and disabled, benefits, etc. 4900 Lamar 4th Floor Austin, Texas 78756
Texas Dept. of Aging and Disability Services
Home provider services, senior companionship program, and Medicaid; complaints against providers.
Texas School for the Deaf
Texas Workforce Commission Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Vocational rehabilitation and independent skills for person’s w/disabilities.
1155 Westmoreland, Suite 135, El Paso, Texas 79925
(915)782-7150 -Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
Texas Workforce Commission: Division of Blind Services
Education and services for visually impaired people.
401 E. Franklin, Suite 240, El Paso, Texas 79901
(915) 834-7004- Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
El Paso Lighthouse for the Blind
Provides education and support for parents, families, and caregivers of blind or visually impaired individuals.
200 Washington El Paso, Texas 79905
Volar Center for Independent Living
Provides assistance for individuals with disabilities including transportation, housing, social security, and legal issues. Assists consumers in locating and accessing community resources.
1220 Golden Key Circle El Paso, TX. 79925
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
(915) 356-3375
Project Amistad
Advocates for individuals with disabilities of all ages, older adults, caregivers and families who have multiple needs requiring multiple services.
12100 Esther Lama Dr. El Paso, Texas 79936
(915) 532-3790
Services for Victims of Crime
Center Against Sexual and Family Violence Crisis Helpline
Emergency shelter, vocational, and educational assistance for women who are victims of abuse.
(915) 593-7300
Center against Sexual and Family Violence-Family Resource Center
Support for former emergency shelter residents, educational programs/training immigration advocacy, legal advocacy, TX Crime Victims Compensation, court appointment, protective orders, divorce/child support, and therapy support group referrals.
580 Giles Road El Paso, Texas 79915
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 6:00pm; Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm (915) 595-2238 Contact: Front desk operator
El Paso Police Department: Victim Services
Provides assistance with Texas Crime Victim Compensation Applications
(915) 564-7045
Jaime Esparza District Attorney’s 34th Judicial District
Advocates for crime victims in need of help.
500 E. San Antonio 2nd floor El Paso, Texas 79901 (915) 546-2059
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Provide free information, services, and referrals to all victim/survivors for alcohol-related crashes including bereaved injured and property damage. Support services are also offered.
6070 Gateway East Ste. 217 El Paso, TX. 79905
(915) 779-1987- Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
National Human Trafficking Resource Center
Open to the public. Provides info and resources to victims of human trafficking, accepts tip/information from individuals wishing to report possible victims, etc.
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (NTDAH)
24-hour national web-based and the telephone helpline for teens experiencing dating abuse, and concerned parents and friends.
P.O. Box 161810 Austin, Texas 78716
Protective Orders (restraining orders)
(915) 546-2050
Sexual Trauma and Assault Response Services, Inc. (STARS)
Respond to victims of sexual assault and provide public education or awareness of sexual assault, free supportive counseling to victims of the second victim.
580 Giles El Paso, TX 79915
(915) 593-7300
Texas Council on Family Violence
Provides domestic violence programs and others working to intervene in domestic violence.
Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Victim Services
Provides crisis intervention, personal advocacy, short-term counseling, court appointment, information and referrals for victims and their families throughout Texas.
11612 Scott Simpson El Paso, Texas 79936
(915) 849-4064
Regional Command Center
401 E. Franklin Ste. 535 El Paso, Texas 79901 (915) 834-7622
University Medical Center of El Paso (Clinic)
Psychosocial assessment and referrals. Crime victim compensation applications. Follow up services for crime victims.
5340 Alameda El Paso, Texas 79905
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
(915) 521-7024
YWCA Community Development Corporation
The center provides transitional housing for homeless women that have suffered domestic abuse.
201 E Main St, STE 400, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 533-2311
Annunciation House
Serves mainly undocumented refugee men, women & families; 55 beds, meals provided; clothing provided to residents and non-residents; political asylum counseling.
1003 E San Antonio Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 545-4509
Casa Vides
325 Leon St, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 544-8451
Centro Mujeres De La Esperanza
Promotes the development of women. Centro Mujeres de la Esperanza is a faith-based accompaniment of women who have been excluded in the El Paso/Cuidad Juarez border.
1101 Birch St. El Paso, Texas 79926
Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm
Christian Home
7365 Alameda Ave, El Paso, Texas 79915
(915) 778-1810
DAME LA MANO Family Crisis Center
Pregnancy Crisis Center
2900 Rosa Ave, El Paso, TX 79905
(915) 231-8744
El Paso Center for Children
Transitional Living Center for homeless teen mothers (ages 17-21) and their children.
3700 Altura Ave, El Paso, TX 79930
(915) 565-8361
El Paso Housing Authority HACEP Shelter Program
Can also help the homeless apply for government aid and subsidized housing, such as section 8 vouchers. The homeless can receive support from the organization.
5300 E Paisano Dr, El Paso, Texas 79905
(915) 849-3742
La Familia de El Paso
1511 E Yandell Dr., El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 532-9434
La Posada Home, Inc.
Runs emergency shelter for homeless children and women. Kids need to be under the age of 12 years including victims of domestic violence. People who use these programs can also access health care, daycare programs, and counseling.
1020 Campbell El Paso, Texas 79902
(915) 544-4595
La Posada Home, Inc.
Transitional and low income, permanent housing and apartments can be found using assistance from the agency. Services are for currently homeless families and those that were recently evicted.
1930 Bassett El Paso, Texas 79901
(915) 532-8498
Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home
Supports El Paso children and families who are experiencing difficulty in their lives, ages 5-18.
1100 East Cliff Drive, El Paso, Texas. 79902
(915) 544-8777
Opportunity Center for the Homeless
10 shelters throughout El Paso and are able to accommodate all types of homelessness.
1208 Myrtle Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 577-0069
Reynolds Home
Services offered by the non-profit include emergency shelter and case management resources. The focus of the agency is on homeless women and children in El Paso County, including immigrants. Also, short term transitional housing is also available to qualified clients for up to 2 years.
8023 San Jose Rd, El Paso, Texas 79915
(915) 274-2598
Rescue Ministries of Mexico
1420 Bessemer Ste D
(915) 599-8707
Rescue Mission of El Paso
Emergency shelter, transitional housing, and more is offered. Some resources are for residents during hot summer weather or a cold winter spell.
1949 W Paisano Dr, El Paso, TX 79922
(915) 532-2575
Ronald McDonald Charities
Shelter for families with seriously ill children who are undergoing treatment in nearby hospitals.
300 E California Ave, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 542-1522
Run Away Center of El Paso
Shelter for runaway youth; counseling and follow-up services.
2116 N Stevens, El Paso, TX 79930
(915) 562-4765
Sin Fronteras
Temporary shelter that provides food and social services to agricultural workers.
201 E 9th Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 532-0921
Villa Maria
A transitional shelter where women who are homeless and without children can transition from crisis to self- sufficiency. Location is 920 S Oregon ST, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 544-5500
Winchester House
Transitional living shelter for young men ages 18-25. 810 Montana, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 790-2232
The Missouri Avenue Residence
Clients can stay for 30 days and participate in training programs aimed at making them self-sufficient. Legal residents age 18 and up.
526 Missouri Ave, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 533-1761
Villa Alegre Apartments
Home Affordable Program Based on income 6412 Edgemere Blvd, El Paso, TX
(915) 856-5624
Central Center
4838 Montana, El Paso, TX
(915) 307-4951
Support Groups
Alzheimer’s Association
(915) 544-1799
American Cancer Society
Alcoholics Anonymous
(915) 562-4081
Compassionate Friends (for parents who have lost a child)
Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous Bethany Christian Church
Provides a support group to help each other recover from gambling problems. Groups are held once a week on Wednesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
10743 Springwood El Paso, TX 79935
(915) 593-1840
Lupus Foundation of America
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Leave a message and someone will get in touch with you. Douglas Ave El Paso, TX. 79903
N.I.S. Ministry Coronado Baptist Church
Provides treatment, specific counseling with a coed, men, and women only groups. Call for information.
501 Thunderbird Dr. El Paso, Texas 79912
ACS Army Community Service
Offers assistance, including information on government programs, for soldiers, veterans and their immediate family members.
930 E Redd Rd, El Paso, TX 79912
American Red Cross
3620 Admiral St, El Paso, TX
(915) 592-0208
6950 3rd Street Canutillo, Texas 79835 (915)877-7030
Churches and St. Vincent De Paul of El Paso Texas provide assistance to the needy.
Programs offer financial assistance for rent, food, electric bill help, etc….
Community and Family Services
They administer an extensive array of financial assistance programs for the low income, seniors, and less fortunate. Cash can be used to pay electric bills, food, rent and mortgage expenses, and other bills.
6040 Surety Dr., El Paso, Texas 79905 (915) 781-9900
El Paso Affordable Housing
Agency that provides one- on- one housing counseling, financial education and advice, debt assistance, and other services to area homeowners.
6801 Viscount Blvd., El Paso, TX 79925 (915)838-9608
El Paso County General Assistance Agency
Utilities, rent, mortgage, medications, and funeral expenses 526 E Overland, Ste 301, El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 532-8850/ 915-546-8150
El Paso County General Assistance Agency-Lower Valley
Emergency rent, mortgage and utility assistance and food vouchers. 9521 Socorro Road B-1 El Paso, TX. 79927
Contact: Receptionist
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm (915) 859-4101
El Paso Electric Company
Life Support Services and Financial Assistance. (915)543-5970
Electric-Independent Electrical Contractors of El Paso
May offer assistance with electric repairs in the home.
Contact person – Rick Najera:
For other specific services, please see website: Light up TX
Discount electric bill. 1-866-454-8387
LULAC Project Amistad
4001 Durazno, El Paso, TX (915) 532-3415
Mary L. Peyton Foundation
Clothing, food, house or car repairs, bus passes, car payment/insurance, gasoline vouchers
and more. 1962, El Paso, TX 79950
(915) 533-9698
Our Lady of Guadalupe
PO Box
The agency may assist with a partial payment of a residents monthly rent or security deposits. The faith-based group will also provide food, funds to pay utility bills, prescription medications, and transportation. Also get information and referral to other
agencies and charities.
2709 Alabama, El Paso, Texas 79930 (915) 545-4234
Pride Center
820 Montana, El Paso, TX Roger Grijalva
(915) 533 4200
Project Bravo
Housing, weatherization service, patient assistance program for medications, employment office, adult basic education, and community services.
200 Texas Ave. 79901
(915)562-4100 -Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
7000 5th Street Building B Canutillo, TX 79835
Project Bravo
Assistance with prescriptions, employment, housing, education (GED) and utilities 4838 Montana, El Paso, TX
(915) 544-4406; (915) 562-4100
Salvation Army of El Paso
Provides assistance for car repairs, water, electric and gas bills. Those facing eviction or disconnection can receive emergency rent or utility bill assistance. Debt reduction and credit counseling is available too.
1600 Brown St, El Paso, Texas 79902
(915) 544-9811
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Help with utilities (excluding phone), rent and after listening to extenuating circumstances
1118 N Mesa, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 533-4451
St. Thomas Aquinas
Provide assistance with rent, utility, food, clothing assistance programs 10970 Bywood Dr.,
El Paso, Texas 79935
(915) 592-1313
St. Vincent de Paul
Rent, gas, electric, water bills
2104 N Piedras El Paso, Texas 79930 (915)564-4357
Veterans Assistance Office
800 E Overland, Ste. 200, El Paso, TX (915) 546-8140
YWCA El Paso Del Norte Region
Provides assistance for car repairs, water, electric and gas bills. Those facing eviction or disconnection can receive emergency rent or utility bill assistance. Debt reduction and credit counseling is available too.
1600 Brown St, El Paso, Texas 79902
FEMA Funeral Expenses
Monday-Friday 9am-9pm Eastern Time
Call this dedicated, toll-free phone number to complete your COVID-19 Funeral Assistance application with a FEMA representative. Multilingual services are available.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (915)545-4223
PFLAG El Paso Parents, families, and friends of lesbians and gays
PFLAG is a socio-political group of family members and friends of lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.
1500 E. Yandell Dr. El Paso, TX 79902
Physicians Hospital
Social Security Administration
Help with Social Security Disability, SSI, Retirement, and Medicare.
Veteran Emergency Resources
Vet Center Combat Call Center – 24/7
Confidential call center Veterans and their families can talk about military experiences or other issues they are facing readjusting to civilian life. Staff comprised of combat Veterans and their family members.
(877) 927-8387
Veteran Crisis Line – 24/7
When things feel unbearable, or if you’re having thoughts of ending your life, support is available.
VA offers a number of programs and resources for Veterans and their loved ones, friends, and health care providers. (800) 272-8255 #1
Meals for Vets
Provide consistent access to healthy, nutritious meals for Veterans under the age of 60 and struggling financially. Requirements are 1) Veteran must have served at least 180 days and 2) income is 60% below area median average.
(800) 676-1398
Amistad for Veterans Project (AFVP)
3210 Dyer St El Paso, TX 79930
Northeast Empowering Veterans to successfully transition into back into society. Connect Veterans with resources, including employment training, rent/utilities assistance, and medication management referrals. health-counseling (915)532-3790 / (877)633-8747
Catch 22 Peer Support
10717 Quartz St. Northeast El Paso, TX 79924 We provide mental health peer support for veterans, families. The vision of Catch 22 Peer Support, LLC is to actively conduct outreach and connect with veterans to achieve their own goals, transition into the community with the ultimate (915) 206-9185 goal of addressing and reducing the veteran suicide rate.
El Paso Vet Center
Westmoreland Dr, Ste 121 El Paso, TX 79925
Central Community-based counseling providing a wide range of social and psychological services, including professional readjustment counseling to eligible Veterans, active-duty service members, and their families to make a successful transition
from military to civilian life or after experience a traumatic military event.
(915)772-0013 or 1155 / (877)927-8387
El Paso Veterans One-Stop Center
Diana Dr Northeast El Paso, TX 79924
Offer free, confidential mental health services for Veterans and dependents by a licensed mental health professional with: assessments, clinical counseling, individual/group, Veteran family member counseling, surviving spousal support, substance abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), lived experience peer support. (915)747-3590 OR 9565
Veterans Affairs Healthcare System
5001 N. Piedras El Paso, Texas 79930 Substance Use Disorder Services Provided: Substance use treatment to include detoxification using buprenorphine and suboxone. Mental health services also provided. They offer outpatient programs for men and women to include dual diagnosis treatment. Website:
Veteran Transportation
My Vet Ride Provide Deserving Veterans and their families with quick and convenient information from trusted sources specially trained to help access local transportation options and other support services.
SU Faculty Veterans
These veterans are always available for you to schedule an appointment with to talk to, vent about transitions to the civilian life, or anything in your life or mental health that you are struggling with. Consider them close family. We are ALWAYS here for you.
- Leo Gamboa (MA Instructor)
- Cesar Guzman (MA Instructor)
- Lorena Rodriguez (Financial Aid)
- Edward Taylor (Business Instructor)
- Amalia Gutierrez (Surgical Tech Director)
- Jesus A. Melendez-Pereyra (Surgical Tech Instructor)
- Gerardo Ortiz (Imaging Director)
- Steven Parker (Auto Instructor)
- Fabian Torres (Auto Instructor)
*SU does not hold official affiliations with the organizations/services mentioned in this document. We strongly advise conducting thorough due diligence and independent research before entering into any commitments with any organization/service listed above or elsewhere.

6101 Montana Ave, El Paso, TX 79925