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Healthcare Leadership and Management, MS​

24-Month Program

Full distance​

The Masters in Healthcare Leadership and Management aims to prepare students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in executive roles within the healthcare industry. Students will receive instruction to gain proficiencies in the principles of leadership strategies, financial management, data management and analytics, and evidence-based decision-making for effectively leading organizations in healthcare. There will be an emphasis on holding executive and leadership roles in the healthcare industry. Graduates from this program will be well-prepared to take on leadership positions both in and outside the healthcare industry to affect positive organizational outcomes. Contact-Us-White

Quick Facts​

  • Healthcare data analytics for data-driven decisions​
  • Innovative leadership for healthcare​
  • Managerial Accounting and Finance in Healthcare​
  • Project Management​
  • Organizational Leadership

Course Preview

1 - Leading a Multigenerational Workforce
Gain expertise in leveraging generational strengths and traits, analyze strategies for leading diverse teams, and understand the impact of technology in the multigenerational workforce.
2 - Leadership and Management for Diverse Healthcare Systems
Develop essential skills to lead diverse healthcare teams, apply decision-making models, analyze organizational issues impacting healthcare, and advance equity in organizational and community healthcare
3 - Research Methodology
Master the steps and policies for effective organizational research, evaluate scientific methods, identify and overcome research pitfalls, and uphold ethical research processes.
4 - Data Management Analytics in Healthcare
Identify organizational points for data collection, explore data-collecting methods, utilize data for decision-making, analyze data to guide services and predict needs, and inform equipment and treatment needs using patient and client data.
5 - Ethical leadership
Deepen your understanding of ethical leadership theories, address ethical challenges, and acquire practical skills for ethical decision-making and conflict resolution.
6 - Advanced Organizational Human Resources Management
Explore human resource management, diversity’s role, HR regulations, and leadership in organizational change and employee retention.
7 - Applied technology for leading hybrid teams
Navigate hybrid teams, select technology for effective communication and collaboration, resolve conflicts in diverse team environments, and ensure cybersecurity and privacy.
8 - Population Healthcare Coordination
Recognize the impact of values on vulnerable populations, prevent unsafe practices, understand population and environmental health, and recognize the healthcare administrator’s role in population-based care initiatives.
9 - Organizational leadership
Understand effective leadership theories, analyze leadership’s role in shaping culture and achieving goals, and evaluate the importance of emotional intelligence and ethical decision-making.
10 - Managerial Accounting and Decision Making
Learn the manager’s accounting role, forecast business decisions, evaluate managerial budgets, and use cost equations for cost prediction.
11 - Corporate Financial Management
Understand financial management’s role, master financial statement analysis, and apply techniques for capital budgeting, investment analysis, and risk management.
12 - Evidence based leadership and decision making
Equips students to critically evaluate evidence, synthesize information, and make informed decisions aligned with organizational goals, covering leadership styles, decision-making, data analysis, research methods, and communication for organizational success.
13 - Operations Management
Describe operations management in healthcare, analyze process flow, locate bottlenecks, and evaluate process efficiency to enhance productivity.
14 - Innovative Solutions in Healthcare Leadership
Examine interdisciplinary collaboration, understand organizational structures, promote cultural competence, and apply quality improvement processes in healthcare leadership.
15 - Project management
Understand project initiation, planning, execution, and closure; create project management plans, estimate costs, manage teams, changes, and risks; and conduct thorough project reviews.
16 - Healthcare Administration Capstone
Integrate concepts from prior courses, apply implementation concepts for sustainable competitive advantage, and address implementation, evaluation, and risk management in healthcare administration.

The Commission acted to continue the current grant of accreditation through February 28, 2029.
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